Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Communist Links

  1. Chiapas 95

  2. Communist Party of Australia
  3. Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist)

  4. Communist Party of Great Britain

  5. Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist Liberation)

  6. Communist Party of Iran

  7. Communist Party of Japan

  8. Communist Party, U.S.A.

  9. Communist Party of Vietnam

  10. CyberLeninism

  11. Enhedslisten - Tanskan punavihreä yhtenäisyyslista.

  12. Deutsche Kommunistische Partei
  13. Economic Democracy Information Network

  14. Driftline - Links.

  15. l'Humanité (France)

  16. In Defence of Marxism

  17. Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)

  18. International Bureau for the Revolutionary Party - Italy

  19. Ireland: Socialist Party

  20. Izquierda Unida - Espanja.
  21. Juventude CDU (Portugal)

  22. KSCM - CP of Bohemian and Moravia - Böömin ja Määrin Kommunistinen Puolue Tsekin tasavallassa

  23. Kommunistisk Parti i Danmark

  24. League for a Revolutionary Communist International

  25. League of Revolutionaries for a New America

  26. Lutte Ouvrière - French Trotskyist's Party

  27. LiberazioNet

  28. Manifesto, Il (Italy)

  29. Maoist Internationalist Movement

  30. Marxism Page

  31. Mediations (Journal of the Marxist Literary Group)

  32. Morning Star

  33. Munkáspárt - Unkarin Työväenpuolue

  34. New Communist Party of Britain
  35. Niebyl-Proctor Marxist Library. "Welcome to our Web site. We are a research library that was set up by a group of volunteers and benefactors for the use of students, teachers, librarians, researchers, and community activists."

  36. On Practice, by Mao Tse-tung

  37. Palestinian People's Party

  38. Partei der Arbeit in Schweitz

  39. Partido Comunista del Uruguay
  40. - slow motion...
  41. Partido Comunista de Venezuela

  42. Partido Obrero (Argentina)

  43. PCR - Argentina

  44. Partito della Rifondazione Comunista (Italy) - Communist Refoundation Party from Italy.

  45. Vasemmistopuolue PDS - Saksa

  46. Portuguese Communist Party

  47. Portugal: Parties and Organisations

  48. Progressive Labor Party - in New York.
  49. Red Net News

  50. Regards, Journal of the French Communist Party

  51. Revolutionary Socialist Resources Page - Red Piranha - Socialist Information Pages.

  52. Socialisten (Sverige)
  53. Revolutionary Worker Online

  54. Rode Fane - Tidskrift for marxistisk teori og debatt

  55. Solid Net
  56. - "The Purpose of Solid Net ( Solidarity Network ) is to inform about the activities as well as the ideological and political views of different Communist and Workers' Parties on National and International issues."
  57. South African Communist Party

  58. Spark Website for progress.

  59. Suomen Kommunistinen Puolue

  60. SP - Hollannin Sosialistinen Puolue

  61. Tudeh - Iran.

  62. Vencerémos

  63. Venäjän Federaation Kommunistinen Puolue

  64. The Workers Party of Ireland

  65. Worker's Power

  66. Workers World

  67. Vänsterpartiet - Sverige.
  68. Museum of Communism and other Anti-Communist links.


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